EducaJudo Lab

What does it happen when two karate teachers drive until Verona to attend a workshop organized by EducaJudo (i.e. it is JUDO!)?

Well, this was the question we left with, in that freezing saturday morning.

Anyhow, as often occurs, one shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, or a person by his clothes, or… well, you got the point, didn’t you?

The workshop, set up by sensei Fabio Della Moglie, was actually AWESOME.

The title was: “3-5 years children and special education needs. A psychomotor approach and didactic methodology”. That is, teaching methods and, most of all, KNOWLEDGE of the many issues of children coaching.

It is true that here at KCK we haven’t got classes for such infants (despite, for parents, a child who’s 4 and a few days «is almost five, can we try then?»), but the methodologies we developed are a blessing even for us.

In facts, on the way back (can you figure driving on a long, straight, absolutely boring motorway?), a new project was born, something we’ll try to implement from next year and… well, I stop here: it’s still top secret^_^

The seminar was a blend of spoken lessons (with a lot of interaction, though) and practical lessons (with real kids, who kindly offered themselves for the sake of science!). After all, we’re talking about martial arts, aren’t we? Interaction is at the very centre of the art.

Many excellent speakers were there: Dr. Ilaria Sozzi, Dr. Loredana Borgogno, Dr. Fabio Della Moglie, sensei Bruno Carmeni, sensei Luigina Desopo and sensei Claudio Marcolin, not forgetting our “host” Enrico Tommasi (with his son Ettore!).

All of them, beyond bringing their own experience, showed a genuine, lovely professionalism. And also a charming ability to involve us hearers (I really enjoyed it, is it so evident?)

Yes, sometimes I was deeply touched: there (still!) are people who value education as an ethical duty, an instrument for improving society, a gift they bestow for free. There are people who care for kids who apparently are hopeless cases, and not only they “carry work at home”, but also they fill it with such passion and love and care, that solutions inevitably pop up.

I believe I have still a lot to learn from these people.

Thank you, friends. See you soon.

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